We know that when you place your order with a florist, you are entrusting them to insure that your sentiments and thoughts are conveyed with the utmost care. That is why we back your purchase with a 100% unconditional money back guarantee which we feel is the strongest in the industry.
If, in the unlikely event, you are dissatisfied with your purchase for quality or design reasons, we will promptly replace it with another item in order to insure your total satisfaction. If you choose, we will have your delivery picked up and promptly refund your total purchase price. Because of the perishable nature of flowers, all we ask is that you contact us within 24 hours of delivery.
As a family owned business with over four generations of floral experience we are members in good standing in FTD, Teleflora, and the BBB. We value our reputation for honesty & integrity above all else!
Please click here for what some of our customers say.